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Philadelphia - Delaware Valley

Scholarship Information and Application

The Scholarship Committee of the Philadelphia-Delaware Valley Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers is pleased to announce its offering of scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year. We are seeking candidates for consideration to receive awards from the John D. Cook III and Philip L. Gaughan Scholarship Funds, for demonstrated academic achievement. In the past, scholarship awards ranging from $500.00 to $2,500.00 have been awarded. More than one scholarship may be awarded, depending on the number and quality of applications received. This past year three scholarships were awarded, 2 for $2500 and 1 for $1000.

Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year have not yet opened. Check back regularly for updates and application information!

Please contact with any questions.

2025 Application Deadline
2025 Application Deadline

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